Unlocking Higher Education Opportunities with MOHE Interest Free Student Loan Scheme!

The Interest-Free Student Loan Scheme (IFSLS) Workshop organized by the Ingiriya Divisional Secretariat Office provided 2024 A/L students with valuable insights into higher education opportunities and financial assistance options. Held at the Ingiriya DS Office premises, the session aimed to educate students on how they can access interest-free student loans to pursue their academic aspirations without financial constraints.

Mr. Affkhar, the Head of University Enrollments at SLTC Research University, served as the resource person, guiding students through the IFSLS application process, eligibility criteria, and the diverse degree programs available under the scheme. His session also highlighted career pathways and academic opportunities that students can explore through SLTC, ensuring they make well-informed decisions about their future.

The workshop provided a crucial platform for students to clarify their doubts, interact with experts, and gain a clearer understanding of their educational journey beyond A/Ls.