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Mentoring & Counselling

Studying at a university can be an exciting experience. However it comes with its own challenges. For many of our students who left their homes for the first time, adapting to this new environment where they are expected to engage in various activities independently can be overwhelming. SLTC has dedicated counselling and mentoring units, run by competent professionals to help our students navigate these challenges successfully.


The office for mentoring and coaching (OMC) at SLTC is a unit dedicated to support students through their transition from school to university and help them discover their confidence, potential and innate talents. OMC assigns a dedicated mentor to every student at registration. Mentors support their assigned mentees through academic, personal and professional challenges that they encounter throughout their university journey. The office conducts various training programmes, workshops and supporting activities throughout the year.

Counselling Sessions

The wellbeing of our community is at the heart of our interests. Mind Heals at SLTC is a dedicated centre for the  uplifting of mental wellbeing of the members of the university.

Members of the SLTC community are welcome to consult the on-campus clinical psychologist at the main university premises in Padukka, during all business days from 8.00 am – 5.00 pm. Those who wish to consult the counsellor at the TRACE Campus may do so by making an appointment. All counselling sessions are strictly confidential and are conducted in a comfortable and private space.

In addition to individual counselling services,the centre also carries out art therapy, and mindfulness-based activities , clinical assessments and evaluations.